SCC Berlin Leichtathletik

Statistics and Evaluations (1978-2018)

Links are to Pdf files. This information is supplied without liability. March 2018.


All Teams In chronological order
Teams - Relay times According to relay times
Teams - Age classes According to age classes and relay times
Teams - Records Teams running records


All runners In chronological order
Runners - Names According to runner's names
Runners - Race times According to runner's race times
Male Runners - Race times According to runner's race times (male)
Female Runners - Race times According to runner's race times (female)
Runners - Age According to runner's age
Male Runners - Age According to runner's age (male)
Female Runners - Age According to runner's age (female)
Runners - Records Runners running relay records (in chronological order)
Runners - Records Runners running relay records (according to names)

We could not correct all inconsistencies found in Horst Schuller's documentation (1978-2000)
because Horst does not live any more.

Of course, there is a lot of information to compile further tables. This is a very time consuming work.
We hope we'll find some time. Somewhere, sometime…

It would be nice if you send error hints to either Claus or Michael. Thank you!